Aquarobic Mini-Plant Add On
- Re-circulating filter:
The filter is installed in a
separate fiberglass tank or in a
“kit" form to install onto a locally
built two compartment concrete tank.
The effluent from the Mini-Plant is
pumped into a 4" distribution
manifold at the top of the filter
material (on the bottom, 12" to 16"
of 2" washed stone topped off with
24" to 30" of 3/4" washed stone).
The effluent flows slowly down
through the filter media where it is
collected by another 4" perforated
pipe manifold at the bottom of the
filter material and flows to the
center 18" PVC re-circulating filter
pump well. A pre-determined volume
allowance in the center well
activates the re-circulating pump
switch, which starts to pump the
liquid around and back into the top
4" perforated manifold for
continuous filtering,
dispersing the
daily amount slowly.
The filter tank is designed to
hold the daily wastewater flow
from the Mini-Plant, in the empty
space above the filter, and in the
filter media.
The UV light is always "on"
intensifying the bacterial kill.
Because the effluent is discharged
once per day, treatment time can
be extended to further polish the
effluent. The re-circulating pump
line’s restricting valve can be
adjusted to create back-pressure
on the line forcing some of the
re-circulating liquid out through
a small pipe that leads to the UV
disinfection system. The
restriction valve determines the
effluent amount circulating in the
disinfection area. Depending on
the size of the unit, an
adjustment to affect the flow of
less than one gallon per minute
can increase the treatment time
and efficiency of the UV.
Advantages of the Aquarobic
Mini-plant™ Up-flow or Re-circulating
Filter Units:
- Tertiary treatment producing high
quality effluent. (Less than 5-5
BOD5 and Suspended Solids (SS.)
- The entire operation is
automatically programmed for the
specified hydraulic flow pattern of
each application.
Spin Clear Filters
- Plastic Spin Clean - Available in
3/4", 1", 1 1/2", and 2" sizes with
unique self-cleaning spinning action
that cleans the stainless steel
screens even under the most severe
conditions. Maximum 150 PSI pressure
- Steel Spin Clean - 2" through 12"
epoxy-coated carbon steel, with
sintered stainless steel screens.
Spin cleaning action ensures
efficient handling of the most
difficult filtration problems
agriculture, industrial, wastewater
and large turf systems operating at
100 to 2800 GPM.
- T Filter - Low profile design with
black or clear debris basin, having
a 3/4" MPT drain with cap to suit a
wide range of applications.
- Screens - Replacement screens in
appropriate mesh sizes are available
for all API filters or Aqua O2 Wastewater Treatment Systems, Inc. The Mini-Plant
uses a 50 -micron filter.
Effluent Disposal
In most cases, the Commonwealth
of Virginia permits the effluent
from the Mini-Plant recycling filter
units to surface discharge after
disinfection. The treated effluent
can be pumped to pressure or vacuum
lines for transporting to a
community disposal area or used on
the property for irrigation.
Aquarobic Mini-Plant&trade
and Filter Bed System
Aqua O2 Wastewater Treatment Systems, Inc. raised
filter bed disposal system is designed
to complement the Mini-Plant.
The application rate to the top
of the filter bed:
Flows up to 1500 gpd: = 4 gal.
Flows than 1500 gpd. Domestic,
commercial / industrial =2.5 gal. /
Sq. ft./day.
The Mini-Plant series (Sequencing Batch Reactor-SBR) treats wastewater flows from 500 to 5,000 gallons per day. |
The Maxi-Plant series (Sequencing Batch Reactor-SBR) treats wastewater flows from 5000 to 100,000 gal per day. |